Saturday, March 8, 2008

It snowed this weekend and it is beautiful..... I love seeing what God can do with a little precipitation. I am trying to read on how to be a good parent and a good wife but it is hard right now because i am discouraged. My family is so disheveled right now that many of my family members do not even know what is going on in my life. i know that God did not design the family unit to always be easy but surely He does not condone removing people from the family unit when you feel wronged or know that they have done something they should not have..... How would any of us stay in the Family of God if that were the method He supported? who are the true leaders of a family? the Men? The women? or the humble ones who care more about being a light in darkness than they do about their own self? Can you cut people off when you are not thinking about yourself but rather thinking of others? is it easier to help a stranger and except their flaws than that of your own family members? Like i said i am confused and discouraged.
God has brought a little ray of sunshine into my day with the beautiful white sheet he has laid outside my window and always my daughter's gorgeous smile!

1 comment:

Becky Arnold said...

Girlfriend, hang in there. God has a plan for all of us. Keep choosing His way and He will honor that. You are so blessed with that little girl and I know that Addie has to be a great comfort to you right now. Isn't it amazing how a child loves us unconditionally?! Love you, Char! Can't wait to see you!